


发问式开头:常理式引入+will it? Has it? Is this really the case? But is this a wise method?

We are often told to do/ that…, SB believe that…will…But will it?/ Is this really the case?


But is there any proven co-relation between … and …? Yet the value of…is now being questioned by more and more…

Now it is time we asked ourselves: Does the method/treatment work?


Close examination doesn’t bear out the claim.(科学理论)

The information I’ve collected over last few years leads me to believe that…(生活常识)



Recently, the alarm about the problem of … have caused wide public concern, and understandably so.

现象+The findings set off many people thinking.


Perhaps most dangerous for our nation now is the (official corruption ) which is rampant in nearly every field of our society. Once… , they now…

A virtual epidemic of… is under way in this nation’s … population (阶级、人群)


With the prospect of coal and petroleum being depleted and with air pollution becoming an increasing concern, more and more countries are now seeking alternative source of energy. Among them is nuclear power whose environmental advantages over coal and oil is increasingly recognized.(环保类)

With a domestic market of 13 billion increasingly prosperous consumers and an economy that grows by an impressive 12–14 percent each year, China is now becoming a huge magnet for more and more foreign business corporations.(经济类)

In recent years, there is an increasingly number of people, especially…people, who…(…的人越来越多)



Nothing, we have been told these years, is more…than…

Perhaps no issue in this world is as basic to individual and national survival as food.

Society Students and their parents education

It is about time somebody exploded that old myth/shattered the fiction/ frees ourselves from the illusion about…



Until recently, discoveries in science and technology had been thought of as the result of dramatic accidents. But the view is changing now. Contrary to the notion of “instant” scientific discoveries, distinguished scientific accomplishment is a matter of opportunity and of continuous and concentrated effort over long years.(科技发展)

Until recently, the general attitude toward …remained hostile…, But now some people are taking a fresh look at …(看法被推翻)

General attitude toward Sth has undergone a great change. Twenty or thirty years ago, very few people believed that….Now, however, it is widely held that …(想法被推广)

It is a traditional custom for SB to do sth… But in the recent decades, the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction. According to a study in XXXX, … Why … ? (习俗被改变)

或:Traditionally,… But now the pendulum seems to be swinging to the other way.


Why do people …?

Why has such a big change taken place?


What does it to succeed in one’s studies or career? Opinions vary widely. Give approximately equal circumstances, some claim the success factor largely a matter of luck—–being in the right place and the right time. Others speak of utter devotion to work, combined with a degree of ruthlessness. Still others maintain that it is undoubtedly a matter of how much intelligence you have or simply how much education your mother had.( 成功的因素 )

After a good many years of observing human nature in action, I have firmly concluded that two qualities make the difference between leaders and men of average performance. They are curiosity and discontent. These deep human urges work together, I believe, to motivate all human discovery and achievement. (成功的因素2)

Traditionally,young adults are preoccupied with business careers, financial success, the accumulation of possessions and comfortable living. But now the pendulum seems to be swinging the other way. According to a recent census, many counterculture ideas have entered mainstream culture. More people are defining success in terms of intangibles —- creativity, autonomy, pleasure, participation, adventure, simulation, and love. Many are questioning the kinds of work society offers and the payoffs it provides. And many are dissatisfied with the traditional social identities of wife and husband.(成功定义)

“Why have I chosen to attend college? Is the four-year academic life worthwhile?” I have put these questions to myself at many times in the past XX years. Have I come because of the parental influence, or because I have some goal of my own that I wish to pursue? After pondering these questions on many occasions, I have finally reached the conclusion that I have come to college not for money nor for fame but for knowledge, for a better understanding of the world around me.( 为何继续深造 )



To understand the truth/point of this, it is necessary/essential to have a clear unsentimental picture of the way … were in the past.

Accounts of … date back virtually as far as recorded history. 某现象可以追溯到上古时期


To understand the necessity of doing sth, it is necessary to analyze its weakness.

To get better understanding of how… We’d better have a bird’s eye view of …


But that’s only part of the explanation for … Perhaps the most significant/remarkable/surprising …(阐述解释)

But that’s not only part of the story. The most remarkable thing about …may be its usefulness in doing sth. (递进)

Another equally important aspect/role/function/consideration is …(平行)

Closely related in this factor is another feature characteristic of contemporary culture.


Although everyone believes that … I doubt whether the argument bears much analysis. +举例

In all the discussion and debate over …, one important fact is generally overlooked.



It would be possible to believe that a person’s success is to a large extent determined by the opportunity he has. And it would be also possible to think that a good opportunity can turn a quite ordinary man into the envy of his friends and colleagues. Yet I’m not so sure that everyone can seize the rare opportunity even if it occurs right before him.



In my opinion…

After taking various factors into consideration, at large degree, I am on the opposite.


【态度词】It seems quite/almost + 态度词 + that …

(un)likely (不)可能的

(im)possible (不)可能的

(in)conceivable …是可想而知的/不可知的

(in)credible (不)可靠的

Inevitable 必然的,不可避免的

Clear 清楚地

Obviously 显然的

Evident 显然的

Certain 肯定的

no accident …是不奇怪的

worthwhile 值得的

noteworthy 值得注意的,显著地

appropriate 合适的

reasonable 适当的,合理的


There is every chance/the likelihood/the possibility that 可能是

The plain fact/ brutal truth/ essential point/ real issue/ crux of the matter is that 关键是

The problem/danger/tragedy is that 问题是

It would be a grave/gross error/mistake/blunder to suppose/suggest that…做…是错的

On the face of it, it souds/seems absurd/ridiculous. Yet, it is true. 表面上看, 这是荒谬的,然而事实如此。

This is not mean/ to say/suggested that … That would be silly/foolish/misleading/mistaken 我们不是说…如果是那样的话就太蠢了。

Don’t get the idea that…不要认为

Little was known/done when… 当…发生的时候,人们很少知道…/人们并没有做什么

Along with something comes something …随着…的到来而发生(倾向)

And sometimes no amount of indignation/patience/sacrifice/practice/hard work can substitute/compensate/ make up… 有时候再多的…也不能

No wonder that…, No wonder that… 无怪乎…无怪乎…(排比)

However great the demand to…however urgent the need to… however we laudable the desire… and however we praiseworthy the effect…尽管我们呼吁… (排比)



Although the inclination to do sth is understandable, even laudable, one may still wonder whether the … is fair/right/really reasonable. 尽管做…的愿望是可以理解的,甚至是可以称赞的,但是我们还是要问这样的做法是否真的合理。

They may be correct in asserting that… But they seem to fail to take into account that …

It is probably true that …, but one vital point is being left out of our consideration: …

Admittedly, …, but it doesn’t follow that we should … 虽然…但我们不能因此…


On the face of it, this may seem an attractive possibility. It really can solve the problem, at least for the time being. But when we consider it in detail, we find there are many problems which this involves.

At first glance , … But on second thoughts, it is ….



The advantage of doing sth … outweigh those of doing sth.

A has/enjoys an important/enormous advantages over B.

The effect of the comparison between A and B is heightened by the additional advantage A enjoys.

The effect of the contrast is heightened by another advantage we may gain from A.

( 突出A的优势 )

When the advantages and disadvantages of A are carefully compared, the most striking conclusion is self-evident. (可接优点或缺点)

Although sth enjoy a distinct advantage of doing sth, they cannot compete with…/ be compared with

Nothing/few things can approach/equal/match/parallel/be compared with/ compete with B

+for 某方面


Obviously, A has both advantages and disadvantages. But can the former overweigh the latter?


A may be preferable/superior to B, but it poses problems for those who…/brings its own problems/ suffers from the problem of… ( For one thing… for another thing…)


In spite of/For all the adverse effect/disadvantages B has, it has its compensating advantages/ beneficial effects.


Like anything else, A also has a harmful effect on sth/sb

However, A is not without problems.


Certainly, A plays a relatively small role as compared to the influence of B



Just as A… So B…

The same applies to B.



Typical 典型的

Classic 经典的

Concrete 具体的

Notable 有名的

Striking 突出的


I, for one, am not so sure. 别人怎么想我不知道,但我….

…, for example, …举例来说

…, say, … 比如说


Example= illustration = case in point

Just think of…

Suppose that…/Let’s suppose that…

A common example which is frequently cited is ….

A classic example of this can be provided by …

To the already familiar example of …, some other examples may be added.

A very similar story/example/case can be cited from…

There is sufficient/considerable/strong evidence to show that 有足够证据表明

驳斥二者联系: Unfortunately, none of the available evidence shows/indicates/suggests any significant/proven co-relation/link between A and B.


* 或者在前加上According to


Public Health Bureau 公共卫生局

The National Education Department 教育部

The Census Bureau 人口统计局

The Statistical Bureau 统计局

The China Daily 中国日报

The Xinmin Evening News 新民晚报

The Economy Daily 经济日报

数据类型:Statistics, figures, data, census, census report, rate, number, percentage

The birth/crime/death/accident rate

Illiteracy(文盲)/unemployment percentage 失业率,文盲率


Jumped/ increased/ rose / soared /spiral up盘旋上升/dropped/ decreased/fell/decline



One out of four


Twice/ X times

(by) X percent

To X percent

From X percent to Y percent

At a rate of X percent

Average of X percent

As much as … level/ the nation average






Whatever the arguments for and against A, it must be realized that A in itself is neither good nor bad. It is the uses to which it is put that determine its value to society. (功能决定价值)


n 强调反对派立场会带来的后果

n 展望未来问题的前景

n 强调重要性


Certainly, 当然

Indeed, 确实

Historically, 从历史上来看,

Traditionally, 传统观念上来看,

Generally, 通常意义上来说


Most people = A large segment of our society 大多数人

Clearly = the result of … is evident …是很明显的

Tend to = prone to 有..倾向

Tendency = inclination 倾向

The last generation = predecessors 前辈/上一代人

Normal = mediocre 平庸的、平凡的

Great = tremendous 很大(需求等)

Greatly = mightily 强烈地,非常地(形容努力做某事)

Go bad = deteriorate 恶化(身体状况)

Ignore = neglect = overlook 忽视

Unimportant = secondary = trivial不重要的

Think = assume 假设,认为

Similarly = likewise 同样的

Like = resemble 类似,像 = A bear same resemblance to B

Very = extremely = urgently =exceedingly = absolutely 非常

Surprising = horrifying = shocking 令人吃惊的

There is no doubt/question/denying that 无可置疑的



Gone are the days when…

The day is past when…


One may at times think back to those good old days when


Lay down the foundation to success


The pressure is felt increasingly heavy and the competition becoming increasingly fierce.


As only three percent of the college population can get into university, competition starts early and fiercely.


Admittedly, the law of competition may be too hard, even cruel for the individual, but it doesn’t follow that we should give up the law and pick up the iron rice bowl again. On the contrary, we should accept and welcome fierce competition as conditions to which we much accommodate ourselves. For it is best for the advancement of a society.


They have to bear the heavy traffic, dirty air and various kinds of din


Perhaps the most merciless robber of sleep is the complexity of the day.


Suppose you wanted to do sth, it is more than likely that you could obtain details regarding sth from somewhere.


Apart from aesthetic reason, there are strong medical grounds for not overeating.


Increase their life expectancy


The Internet has facilitated the communication among people, widened their horizons and enriched their life.


He considers the basic human experiences that we have lost within contemporary culture and the dominance of materialism and technology

我们称这类人为“SOHO”——“Small Office Home Office”的缩写。

We called this kind of people “SOHO”, which is the abbreviation of “Small Office Home Office”.



Besides simplicity, other things I have found to be essential to success are communication, moderation and patience, adaptability, decisiveness, confidence, unconventional thinking, social responsibility, and last, but by no means least, luck. The importance of these attributes is in their interaction. Some of them are antithetical to others —- patience will then collide with decisiveness, for instance—– and yet it is hard to think of any of my decisions in which they did not play a role.



Although it is commonly held that success will bring people money and status, it is unlikely to be true that it will be a desirable goal for anyone. Considering the enormous stress they have to live with, and their shorter life spans, unbearable loneliness, and relative incapacity for community or love it entails, it is conceivable that not everyone finds an enterprise requiring such sacrifice is worth what it costs.


They express a fear that success would lead a woman to be socially rejected and to lose her “femininity”.


All adolescents of this generation are feeling more angst than their predecessors.


You can get away with serious mistakes if you are socially intelligent


Sth is fully deserved the title of the most influential on society


The student is encouraged to explore new fields and old fields, to wander down the bypaths of knowledge.



Urban growth devours much space. People now acquire far more goods and things. There are a greater density of households and a great demand for services such as sewage and drainage. Rising populations and rising income make urban car density increase by something like four percent each year; traffic flows rise to fill whatever scale of highways are provided for them. People have to go further and further to reach open air and countryside which continuously recedes from them. And just as their working days decline and they begin to have more time for leisure, they find they can’t get to the open spaces or the recreation or the beaches which they now have the time to enjoy.


It has been observed that unemployment, quite aside from exerting financial pressure, brings enormous psychological troubles. (熟背句型+单词)


While they enjoy the comfort and banal luxury of their dwelling, they don’t realize that they are deprived of the necessities of life.


An increasingly number of scientists argue openly for newly directions in research and begin to pay attention to such fields as sociology, psychology and even philosophy.


Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want.


A college campus, composed of adults from many different backgrounds, is an extension of the real world, a world that has good and bad.



Most people are under the illusion that they had completed their education when they finished their schooling. There is no such thing as the complete schooling for anyone. What our schools and colleges do is only to prepare the young for continued learning in later life by giving the skills of learning and the love of it. Even the best possible graduate needs to continue learning before she or he becomes an educated person.


Mirror- walled skyscrapers, whose reflective glasses reduce glare as well as heat inside, while raise the temperature of the surrounding air.


All this doesn’t alter the basic pattern of a two-tiered society. The gap between the rich and the poor and the city and countryside still exists, and is even getting wider and wider.


All change is resisted.


If, however, the change is big enough, resistance can’t be mobilized against it.


It has been widely accepted that parents exert the most profound influence on children and their personality. There is no reason to doubt that this is true. But when the child starts school, the influence of the parents is shared by teachers and classmates, by the lure of books, movies, newspapers, and most of all by television.


Enjoyment is not “sinful”. It is surely in wrong to enjoy your work and enjoy your leisure and enjoy your life. It is surely not wrong to live in the present rather than in the past. But the emphasis on enjoyment and the present should not be at the expense of the consciousness of the future goal you must fight for.(可做结尾)


The price which society pays for the law of competition, like the price for cheap comforts and luxuries, is great; but the advantages of this law are also greater than its cost—–for it is to this law that we owe our wonderful economic development.


The quite life of the country has never ceased to appeal to city residents who are dreaming of the friendly people, the clean atmosphere, closeness to nature and gentle pace of living. Although they enjoy the comfort and convenience of city, it cannot be compared with the first cock crow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures. What an idyllic pastoral scene it is.


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