
















Discovering my avid interest in finance, I have enjoyed the undergraduate program with great excitement. Besides laying for us a solid theoretical foundation, the applied curriculum also focuses on equipping us with hands-on abilities to analyze financial phenomenon and make decisions considering problem solving. For instance, in the course Financial Markets and Institutions, under the topic of 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, I made analysis of the pros and cons of some controversial issues such as financial openness and fixed exchange rate system, which enhanced my critical thinking and enlightened me about financial policy making from broad perspective. In Equities and Investment Analysis, I collaborated with other fellow students to work on the asset allocation of two domestic banks in the last four years. We applied computer to process mass financial data and to make investment opportunity set and capital allocation line, from which we figured out the optimal risky portfolio. The project experience has furthered my understanding and application of securities formulas and more importantly revealed to me the fantastic financial operation within a company from micro perspective.






I started my sophomore year study in the International 2+2 Undergraduate Program, which is jointly delivered by Jilin University in China and University of Kentucky in United States. At Jilin University I accomplished fundamental courses in the Business Administration (Strategic and Operational Management) program that exposed me to the philosophies and logic of optimal decision making. I developed the ability of systematic thinking in analyzing different business circumstances. Particularly, I enjoyed a course Data Analysis and SPSS Applications. This course taught me to extract information from data evidence and conduct estimation for the future trend with methods in statistical analysis and modeling, which fit perfectly with my ideal practices of financial risk management. The knowledge structure I developed at Jilin University has served as an important asset for my academic journey in United States, where I extensively cultivated the quantitative skills and ability business case analysis. Specifically, the courses Intermediate Accounting, Technology for Business Solution, and Managerial Uses of Accounting Info granted me the ideal skill set to evaluate risks with in-depth business insights and technological tools like ERP and Bloomberg. I continued to achieve progression of my academic performance, and received the Dean’s List and Academic Excellence Scholarship from University of Kentucky.

段落大意:申请者首先介绍了自己本科就读的是吉林大学和美国肯塔基大学合作的2+2项目。然后,申请者写到自己在吉林大学工商管理项目锻炼的决策能力和分析能力,以及在Data Analysis and SPSS Applications这门课程中学习到的风险管理方法。在介绍完在吉林大学的学习之后,申请者开始介绍在肯塔基大学的学习经历。在肯塔基大学,申请者培养了定量分析能力和案例分析能力,并且学会用不同的工具和商业洞察力分析风险。最后,申请者提到自己由于优异的表现获得了奖学金。




I study two degree programs, namely Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (Financial Mathematics) and Finance at Central University of Finance and Economics. As a double degree pursuer in this national leading institute for finance study, I enjoyed an interdisciplinary study process covering both the width and depth of scientific and analytical aspects in finance. Quantitative courses like Numeric Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equation, Stochastic Process and Time Series Analysis are my favorites as they never failed to impress me with elegant mathematical deductions and neat and straightforward interpretation of data. In my second degree in Finance, I consistently enjoyed using relevant quantitative contents to fulfill tasks like financial modeling, asset pricing, and portfolio analysis etc. Nevertheless, I realized that in many occasions, financial data will be chaotic, requiring us to identify rules out of complexity and dynamics. In this case, I immersed myself in the training of computer instruments including SPSS, SAS, MATLAB, R, Python, and C++. In addition to enjoying the convenience these tools brought in course projects, I used them to conduct several interesting investigations. For instance, I used the Genetic Algorithm to develop a portfolio selection strategy for investment in the A-Share and H-Share markets. As I perceive, the immersion in mathematics can offer me great edges to analyze more complex scenarios in finance and beyond.





At Syracuse, I enjoyed the highly demanding undergraduate study in the double major program of Finance and Supply Chain Management. These two subjects share many interesting concepts and philosophies, and the most appealing one goes to their emphasis on the optimization of the entire system. The philosophy of optimization requires practitioners to pay attention to the business chain and carefully evaluate every possibility and different risks, so as to put forward the ideal solutions. I particularly embraced this philosophy to investigate in financial management and investment in corporate level through courses like Corporate Finance, Investment, Decision Tools for Management, and Fixed Income Securities etc. When collaborating with peer students to conduct projects in these fields, I never hesitated to take greater responsibilities. For instance, I have led a team of 5 members to compete in the Whitman College capstone case competition, taking responsibility to analyze the given enterprise’s financial practices from the strategic vision. We successfully achieved the first place in the college. My final GPA in Whitman is 3.527. I have been rewarded with the Dean’s List in three consecutive years and the membership in Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society.



Embracing the learning experience in Financial Mathematics in both Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China, and University of Liverpool, UK (2+2 Program), I have enjoyed a well-rounded curriculum covering key topics in finance, investment and mathematical analysis. I utilized the intense mathematical and financial training to gradually shape my systematic analytical skillset and awareness to various financial practices, and seek the beautiful combination of the two. In the financial world, many practices can be described and analyzed by mathematical languages. For instance, the operational research modeling can facilitate the optimal allocation of assets and liability, and stochastic analysis helps us better understand the non-linear features of the stock market. I have tested my analytical skills through investigation in data sets of LME and NYBOT; I have also conducted several comparisons concerning equity markets in China and other nations. I am a promising first-class honor degree receiver at University of Liverpool, and I deem that the undergraduate learning experience has made me an agile and competent individual with a strong will and comprehensive abilities to spot opportunities in the finance world.






At Guangzhou Medical University (GZHMU), I am undergoing a fulfilling learning process in LLB in Department of Law. In the past three years I have completed a spectrum of law courses including International Economic Law, Administrative Law and Procedural Law, Criminal Law, Commercial Law, Contract Law, Intellectual Property Law, etc. All these courses lay me a fundamental understanding of specific laws and more importantly, equip me with a critical way of thinking. The LLB study offers me many opportunities to get engaged in an array of group projects, case study seminars, and presentations to rapidly elevate my legal acumen and analytical mindset. I also joined a number of legal lectures jointly organized by my university and different reputed professors or legal practitioners to obtain industry insights in an enjoyable way. In such a unique environment, I was motivated to develop career assets that benefit my long-term sustainable growth in the professional career of law. In specific, my collaboration skills, communication skills and legal analysis skills have been trained extensively.





Earning myself a ticket into South China University of Technology (SCUT), which is a top ranking “985” and “211” project university in China with a satisfactory score in the National College Entrance Exam has meant something of my academic potential already. Plus, my GPA of 3.73, which is the fourth place out of forty three fellow students in the same department, could prove my learning capacity and efforts. Besides, majoring in Business Management at my bachelor study, I have equipped myself with the fundamental knowledge in finance and economics during the past years. Driven by a strong passion for economics and finance, I managed to obtain full GPAs for nearly all compulsory courses related to these two fields, such as Accounting, Financial Management, and International Financial Management. Meanwhile, I made a conscious choice to compensate my lack of finance and economics exposure by choosing as many as elective courses in this discipline as possible. The close relations between the finance and economics field and management further motivate my thirst to pursue further study.





I am currently studying at Jinan University, which has a long history, profound cultural background and prominent international features. Upon entering college, I had encountered minor difficulties in adjusting, but I gradually adapted to college life and study, and my academic results steadily improved. I have laid solid foundation in cultural studies, and gained excellent score in courses, such as Introduction to Cultural Industry (89), Cultural Industry Management (87), Introduction to Culture Analysis (92), Managerial Cases of Culture Industry (86), Outlines of Western Culture (94), and Western Culture and Manners (95). In order to gain social research experience, I participated in the “Challenge Cup” Student Curricular Academic Science and Technology Contest with the project of “An Analysis on the Current Development Status and Problems of Island Education: A Case Study of Nan’ao County”. Our project won First Prize in the contest. Through collecting data, conducting interviews, organizing seminars and preparing analytical report, I grasped methods and techniques necessary for research studies.




During my undergraduate study, I majored in Electronic Commerce (Operation Management) at Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College from September 2013 to July 2017. I distinguished myself academically with great diligence in my professional courses, such as Planning, Network Marketing, Marketing Principles, and Web Programming. I was honored to rank top 11 out of 87 students of my class and to be awarded six different scholarships. In addition, I participated in an exchange program at National Central University in Taiwan. This new environment challenged me towards quick adaption to the unique teaching methods of Taiwan. I was blessed and fascinated by the many cultures represented and was greatly strengthened in my English capabilities.






下期内容预告:2019 U.S. News世界大学排名大解析

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