
格拉斯哥大学 University of Glasgow 2023QS排名 81

MSc Aerospace EngineeringMSc Aerospace Engineering & ManagementMSc Biomedical EngineeringMTh Church History & TheologyMSc Civil EngineeringMSc Civil Engineering & ManagementMSc Electronics & Electrical EngineeringMSc Electronics & Electrical Engineering & ManagementMSc Electronics & Photonics ManufacturingMSc Mechanical EngineeringMSc Mechanical Engineering & ManagementMSc MechatronicsMSc Nanoscience & NanotechnologyMSc Sustainable Energy

伦敦玛丽女王大学 Queen Mary University of London 2023QS排名 125

MSc Banking and FinanceMSc ManagementMSc Marketing(有可能会取消,暂时未确定)

约克大学 University of York 2023QS排名 162

MSc Nursing (Adult)-2 yearsMSc Nursing (Mental Health)-2 years

阿伯丁大学 University of Aberdeen 2023QS排名 220

MScEcon Accounting and FinanceMScEcon Finance and Investment ManagementMScEcon Finance and Investment Management(with CFA Level 1 Examination)MSc International Business and FinanceMSc International Business ManagementMSc International Human Resource ManagementMSc Marketing ManagementMBAMBA Energy ManagementMSc Advanced Chemical EngineeringMSc Advanced Mechanical EngineeringMSc Advanced Structural EngineeringMSc Offshore EngineeringMSc Oil and Gas EngineeringMSc Petroleum EngineeringMSc Process SafetyMSc Renewable Energy EngineeringMSc Subsea EngineeringMSc Transport and Intelligent MobilityMSc ArchaeologyMSc Archaeology of the NorthMSc Cultural HeritageMSc Geographical Information SystemsMSc GeophysicsMSc Oil and Gas Enterprise ManagementMSc Planetary SciencesMSc Sustainability TransitionsLLM Business Law and Sustainable Development with DissertationLLM Criminal JusticeLLM Criminal Justice and Human RightsLLM Energy and Environmental Law with DissertationLLM Energy and Environmental Law with Professional SkillsLLM/MSc Energy Economics and LawLLM Energy Law with DissertationLLM Energy Law with Professional SkillsLLM General LawLLM Human Rights and Criminal JusticeLLM Intellectual Property LawLLM Intellectual Property Law with Professional SkillsLLM International Commercial Law with DissertationLLM International Commercial Law with Professional SkillsLLM International Dispute ResolutionLLM International Human RightsLLM International LawLLM International Law and International RelationsLLM International Law, Security and Strategic StudiesLLM International Trade LawLLM International Trade Law and Treaty Negotiation with Professional SkillsLLM Natural Resources LawLLM Oil and Gas Law with DissertationLLM Oil and Gas Law with Professional SkillsLLM Public International LawMRes/MSc Environmental ScienceMLitt Creative WritingMSc Cultural and Creative CommunicationMLitt English Language and LiteratureMLitt Film, Visual Culture and Arts ManagementMSc Global Business CommunicationMLitt Literatures, Environments and PlacesMMus MusicMSc TESOL-Teaching English to Speakers of OthersMSc Translating and Interpreting StudiesMSc Translation StudiesMSc Global Health and ManagementMPH Master of Public HealthMSc Medical ImagingMSc Medical PhysicsMSc MicrobiologyMSc Physician Associate StudiesMSc Global Health and ManagementMPH Master of Public HealthMSc Medical ImagingMSc Medical PhysicsMSc MicrobiologyMSc Physician Associate StudiesMSc Advanced Energy MaterialsMSc Artificial IntelligenceMSc Data ScienceMSc Information TechnologyMSc Psychological StudiesMSc Energy Politics and LawMSc International Finance and Political RelationsMSc International Political EconomyMSc International RelationsMSc International Relations and International LawMSc International Relations and ManagementMLitt Museum StudiesMSc Peace and Conflict StudiesMSc Policy EvaluationMSc Sex, Gender, ViolenceMRes Social AnthropologyMRes Social ScienceMSc SociologyMSc Strategic StudiesMSc Strategic Studies and Energy SecurityMSc Strategic Studies and International LawMSc Strategic Studies and Management

拉夫堡大学 Loughborough University 2023QS排名 256

London Campus:

MSc Digital FinanceMSc Digital MarketingMA/MSc Design InnovationMSc Diplomacy and International GovernanceMSc Diplomacy, Business and TradeMSc Diplomacy, Politics and TradeMSc Security, Peace-building and DiplomacyMSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation ManagementMSc Entrepreneurship, Finance and InnovationMSc Digital EntrepreneurshipMA Global Communication and Social ChangeMA Media and Creative IndustriesMSc Sport MarketingMSc International ManagementMSc International Human Resource ManagementMSc International Management & Emerging EconomiesMSc Risk, Governance & International ManagementMA International DevelopmentMSc International Sustainable Development

赫瑞瓦特大学 Heriot-Watt University 2023QS排名 281

MSc Artificial IntelligenceMSc Artificial Intelligence(2 years)MSc Computing(2 years)MSc Data ScienceMSc Data Science(2 years)MSc RoboticsMSc Software EngineeringMSc Business PsychologyMSc Business Psychology with Human Resource ManagementMSc Business Psychology with Intercultural CommunicationMSc Civil Engineering and Construction ManagementMSc Civil Engineering with Industry Placement(2 years)MSc Construction Project Management with Industry Placement(2 year)MSc Design ManagementMA Digital Design and InnovationMA Fashion and Textiles DesignMSc Fashion and Textiles ManagementMA Interior Architecture and DesignMSc EnergyMSc Global Environmental Change and PolicyMSc Global Sustainability EngineeringMSc International Business ManagementMSc International Business Management with FinanceMSc International Business Management with HRMMSc International Business Management with Industry PlacementMSc International Business Management with Marketing

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